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Why Everything at Starts With a Concept

Sarah Hiraki
Jan 28, 2022

Unpacking the definitions and getting down to the roots of what makes great dynamic creative great

Quick – what’s a concept?

I had the word “conceptual” in my job title for years, but I don’t know that any two members of my previous agency teams could give you the same definition.

Creative agencies and media folks will define a concept by everything from a moodboard to a tagline to a cultural event. Strictly speaking, a concept is “an abstract idea” or, inversely, a plan or intention.

What is a concept?

A concept is an insight, idea, and execution well-packaged.

This definition, of course, depends on other ideas: 

  • An insight is a true, surprising fact that serves as a window into the mindset of your audience.
  • An idea is a thought that crystallises your product’s connection to the insight and the audience.
  • The execution of an idea is how the idea comes to life within a given format.

At, everything starts with a concept. And while we’re a SaaS company priding itself on speed, automation and scale – it’s not a coincidence that the language (and the standards) of “old school” creativity is baked into everything that we do. And while we move from brief to design to go-live faster, and in greater numbers, than any organization I’ve ever worked with, it’s the dyed-in-the-wool creativity that really makes our clients love us – and makes concepts created in really effective.

However, there are some differences between the approach and that of a creative studio or brand team. After all, insights, ideas, executions and concepts are all just tools, codes marketers use to achieve a series of goals. When the team implements these tools within complex dynamic creative executions, you may need to do a double take to recognise them.

Creative concepts power creative effectiveness

When deployed in a dynamic creative context, insights no longer have to be monolithic – you don’t have to hang the whole concept on just one. Instead, they can be more nimble, more particular, and frankly, more useful. You may use a set of insights for each segment of your audience – one for vegetarians and a different one for adventurous eaters, for example. Dynamic concepts should also be built to gather insights. In the platform, each individual element of a creative execution is measured and tracked independently – no more clunky A/B testing. 

Similarly, a single one of our concepts can play host to a myriad of ideas. The core idea is what our partner brands bring to the table, but instead of that idea being tied to a single strapline or visual – it’s focussed on structure. Think of it as the rules to a game, rather than a recipe – many different outcomes are possible within a clearly defined structure. 

When it comes to executions, the scale is even more dazzling. At our smallest batches of executions typically number in the dozens, and our largest, in the hundreds of thousands. Instead of manually producing one, three, or five creative executions – our automated tools help teams produce creative variations across all of their markets easily. When executions are mapped out in an creative concept, they’re format and channel specific, but idea agnostic. 

And all of this is nicely crafted by our experts into’s definition of a creative concept: a set of bespoke dynamic templates – to house all of your wisest insights, wildest ideas, and world-spanning executions. 

A concept is an insight, idea, and execution well-packaged. At, a concept isn’t just a deliverable to be signed off – it’s your brand’s roadmap to infinite creative possibilities. 

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